Sunday, 27 July 2014

f(x) Red Light Comeback and Hate

Hello everyone! I should have written about this a while ago when f(x) finally had their comeback with their title song and album "Red Light", but now I definitely have to!

I'm a big Kpop fan, and one of my favourite girl groups ever has to be f(x). Their music and concepts are definitely unique which is something I seem to really enjoy when it comes to music. So, when I saw the teasers for their comeback, I was way too excited!

A lot of people had mixed feelings about the song, and much like Girls' Generation's "I Got A Boy", they were confused by how it sounds like several songs in one. Where "I Got A Boy" is one of my favourite songs, of course I instantly liked "Red Light" because it's really experimental and catchy. The pace and beat is all part of f(x)'s charm!

This has got to be one of the most arty farty and interesting videos S.M Entertainment has produced. They're not stuck in just one box set, but have lots of different settings and lots of symbolism to represent society and society's standards. It's quite interesting when you read about it. The half-make up is to represent the ugly and beautiful side, there are mannequin's with wires to show how we are programmed by the media and so much more. The choreography is a little simpler than what f(x) usually had before, but dancing is hard no matter what. The choreography compliments everything perfectly.

The songs on the album itself are perfect! They're different and make want to get up dance, (especially Rainbow!). The song Milk is so good too, and the live performance is so cute, really contrasts against Red Light. Ugh, I could go on and on.

What I really want to talk about is what is happening now and that's the recent news of Sulli taking a break from the entertainment industry due to poor physical and mental due to all the hate she's been receiving, and the whole group has stopped performing.

Of course, it's a whole new industry and culture to me so there might be things I don't understand. But, who, anywhere, deserves to receive negative comments on their weight, performance and relationships to the point where they can't take it anymore? She decides to take a break and relax, and in return receives more negative comments. How are idols different from normal people? When a normal person gets to the point where they can't take it anymore, they are flocked with support, but Sulli got more hate, how is she any different from any of us? She, and other singers, gave up a part of their lives to perform and please us, why cant we support them and respect them? 

Remember, even celebrities have moments when they are down and have feelings too. Everyone has a past and no matter how wonderful a person's life may seem, there is so much more, and most of the time we only see a few minutes of what seems like their perfect lives. Let's be more kinder when we decide to comment or say something, and make the world a better place bit by bit, kay? (≧ω≦)
