"HAL" Anime Movie Review
"The story takes place in a technologically advanced society in which robots can be programmed to behave like a complete human. A robot is asked to replace "Hal", who died in an accident, to help Kurumi, Hal's girlfriend, move on with her life. "Hal" struggles to understand the real Hal's past, Kurumi's affections towards Hal as well as the meaning of being alive." -Wikipedia
So, I recently watched the anime movie "Hal", and wow, it was a great movie! I have actually been on a bit of an anime hiatus but this caught my eye as I remembered I wanted to watch it before, and I'm so glad I did; I enjoyed it and it brought me off of my anime hiatus!
The Story and Characters:
Now, I'm the kind of person who can usually predict what will happen in a movie, so I thought I was following along with the story line, and then bam! there was a huge plot twist.
The characters were quite realistic with how they deal with different situations and the female lead, Kurumi was so pretty! Hal is quite cute too. Haha.
It was a good story and something new I haven't seen before!
The Animation:
One thing I seem to have forgotten, was how pretty the animation of anime can be. And this movie definitely shows that. The animation didn't was simple and beautiful when it needed - not overshadowing the story line or characters. Overall Rating:

Overall, I would give this a 4/5 totoros. I loved the story line and characters, but I feel like they should have developed it a little more as it had so much potential as since the world is so futuristic and some of the characters had a dark past, I would have liked to find out more about that. Of course, this could be left up to the viewer's imagination but
it would have been nice to see.
I would definitely recommend this movie, it was interesting and has a bit of everything: it was cute, had sci-fi and a bit of action, it had romance, all with visually appealing animation. Give it a go!
Sorry, my review is quite simple as I don't want to give much away or spoil it :)
Enjoy life!