My Introduction (・∀・ )
I've had this blog set up for a while now and although it's under construction still while I figure out the theme and such, I want to start posting! SO! Hello everyone who may stumble across this blog and wonder what it's about, well my mind is full of thought all the time and I thought I'd share them.
I am half Russian/Australian, studying Japanese, a lover of cute things and slowly learning more about fashion and beauty like any normal teenage girl, so I hope I can share and review what I find here~ As a part of my personality and wanting to spread positivity, I go hard out in giving advice and helping out whenever I can, but I no longer want to just restrict it to just my circle of friends, I want to share what I say just in case it may help or brighten up someone's day!
♥ ♥ ♥
Halfway through high school I was introduced to the anime Skip Beat! and fell in love with the anime world~ It sort of grew to my interest in Japanese/Korean fashion which helped develop my style, my love for KPOP and their cultures. I dress so girly and have love bright colours but coming from a family who has gone to road trips to the middle of nowhere in Australia, I'm not scared of getting my hands dirty.
I love tea (hence the blog title), animals, food, scenery, the internet, anime/manga, cute things and clothes and making people happy. I think I spend an unhealthy amount of time 'internet window shopping'. ಠ_ಠ I can go on! I hope that once I'm happy with all my customizing, I'll be posting reviews, helpful things like advice, my thoughts and activities and anything really~ I want to try a bit of everything. If you read this and have anything you want to see or have any ideas, let me know! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ