Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Worry-less Wednesday: Healthier Eating Choices/Diet Tips!

Hello, my fruit loops! 

Sorry for the corny title but I hope I can post as many things as I can to help people worry less. This week is some tips for dieting that has worked for me! Now, I'm obviously not professional but since these are simple things, I want to encourage everyone to try them out or incorporate them into their lifestyle if you are looking to change your lifestyle bit by bit.

I was a bit unsure on how to approach this blog post but I hope that this will be an encouragement to others in some way since some small changes can make a difference, I don't think a lot of people realize that. Now, when I say diet I mean changes to a diet to make it healthier for your body inside and out! In today's society the concept of diet can have so many different meanings for many different reasons. 

The thing is, making changes to become healthier is just as much of a mental change as well as a physical one, it takes time! If you change things bit by bit you will find yourself getting used to a healthier lifestyle bit by bit. Remember to eat healthier, not less! 
Good luck!


I found out about this app through Wengie, another blogger, and  also strongly recommend using an app that has been my best friend with making better choices and weight loss! You input your own weight/height/goals etc and it calculates how much you should be eating each day in order to healthily lose weight.

It has also recently added improvements to the app that tell you nutritional value of the food you are eating and reminds you of your goals: a really good encouragement!

1. Drink More Water (and drink tea when you can!)

This tip pops up almost EVERYWHERE! Drinking lots of water used to make me sick so I would drink so much cordial and other drinks instead which is just extra sugar in my system that I don't really need. I am also obsessed with tea and always had black tea with milk and sugar.

I decided that bit by bit I would drink more water until I could completely swap out cordial and other drinks for water. I also started drinking more and more green tea as it has SO many health benefits as well as speeds up the metabolism for weight loss :)

Drinking water helps your skin and your body to function properly, after all our bodies are mostly water. Also, sometimes when you think you are hungry, you are actually thirsty. So drinking water before meals or when you are hungry allows you to know how hungry you are and to control how much you eat.

2. Watch what you eat: eat foods that fill you for longer and eat less bad foods.

Another big I have tried to do is swap out a lot of what I eat with fruits and vegetables, and eating whole meal bread and rice if I am having something like that with my meals. Swapping out a bag of chips or a chocolate bar for a fruit salad or a handful of nuts can really make a difference.

Try to eat less junk food and fast food, plan out your meals and make them beforehand can help control what you eat. Trust me, I know, it's hard to avoid eating chocolate and all that all the time. But every once in a while doesn't hurt, otherwise you will go insane and eat a lot of junk to make up for it. That's not good. So it can be done in moderation.

After all, you have maybe 4 meals a day, times that by 7 and that's 28 meals a week. Having one or two a week that aren't as good is not so bad if it is unavoidable.

3. Watch portion sizes

Eating smaller meals throughout the day is something that is always recommended and it does help :) 

I used to come home from school and eat leftover food in the fridge (which is like one extra big meal) and then have dinner not long after. I stopped doing this because it was unnecessary ad just had a cup of tea with some snacks instead.

I also started using a smaller plate and putting salad on first so that it would take up most of my plate.  

4. Eat till you are 80% full

This is something else that has popped up everywhere but it has a good point. 

Chew your meals slower (about 8 times), since it takes your brain 20 minutes to realize your stomach is full.

By being completely full or overly full you put strain on your stomach and stretch it out, you need to leave room for digestion fluids, water and gas, if not then your stomach needs to expand. If you constantly do this, each time your stomach will expand, leaving more room to be filled the next time you eat. The result will be gaining unnecessary weight.

Even if you have a fast metabolism and don't gain any weight, your stomach will expand and create a stretched out belly (I now realize I had this problem).  You also won't absorb the nutrients as well.

If you start off with a little amount of food and water and are still hungry, you can have a little more if needed rather than having a big portion straight away and feeling like you have to finish it all.


Some other tips that might help:

Make sure to finish eating a few hours before you sleep so that your good is settled before. I read somewhere some KPOP idols didn't eat after 7pm or so, and I try to do that. I'm not sure if it works.

Always eat something in the morning, even if it is something small. 

EXERCISE. Even if it is a little bit like walking or taking the stairs or stretching! I will be doing a separate post next time for exercise ideas and easy ways to be active.

If you are looking to lose weight, do it for yourself and to be healthier! On the way to a healthier lifestyle, love your body and yourself always! Don't be discouraged if you don't see change immediately: your organs lose the excess fat before your body does. Don't eat less in order to see results quicker. 

Enjoy life, and good luck! If anyone has more tips, leave them in the comments below!
