Worry-less Wednesday: A Number Does Not Define You
Hello, lovelies!
How have you all been? If you are a Year 12 graduate in Australia, you must have just received your results and OP which is what inspired my post today. I wasn't really excited and I was a little disappointed, but I didn't it let me get me down since I knew I would get still get to do the courses I want. I chose creative type of courses, and my mum wasn't too happy about that, thinking there is no potential in studying Japanese/Art.
I got a bit angry, I was thinking "Don't underestimate the creative industries, since so many things rely on people with creative minds".
Oh well! There is one thing I will remember, and that is on graduation day, one of my teachers told me to not let anyone decide for me or push me into something I don't want to do. I will always remember that.
So! Everyone, I want to remind you to not let numbers define you! Don't let age define you. Don't let height or weight define you. Don't let your school results define you. Don't ... let the number of push ups you can do define you?
What define's you, is only you. I think a lot of the time, we forget that. We grew up following rules and guidelines, yes, they are to guide us, but I think in reality our actions is what shows what kind of person we are. No one is going to know what OP I got if they first meet me.
You are all beautiful and full of potential, okay? Never forget. Have a Merry Christmas!
Enjoy life!