Worry-less Wednesday: Entering University? What am I Doing?
I really can't believe it, but very soon, I will be attending university. For so long I was so lost that I thought I would need to defer for a year and find my place. But, I am very glad that I didn't since I am bored being at home already, another year would drive me crazy.
Whenever teachers would go around the class, asking each student what they wanted to do after school, everyone would know what they wanted to do, but I didn't. This stressed me out beyond anything.
I wasn't particularly good at anything, I was creative and had a keen interest in languages, but how on earth would this turn into a career? Nevertheless, I was determined to pursue something that relates to my interests. After all...
Long story short, I am now going to be studying Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Japanese/International Relations. Boom.
But, enrolling and preparing my life as a university of student has probably been one of the most confusing experiences of my life. All of a sudden, I'm alone in front of this computer screen, enrolling and trying to understand all these new terms.
Especially since my course is made up of many little courses that you put together. It was so confusing, and this is coming from someone who did high school maths
Especially since my course is made up of many little courses that you put together. It was so confusing, and this is coming from someone who did high school maths
Remember, you are not as as alone as you might think. I need to realize that sometimes, haha. There are plenty of resources and support out there, don't be afraid to use it!
After all, we are now living in the age where internet provides almost everything and sometimes, things are detailed step by step of what you need to do. Go to the website of your university, or more specifically, the faculty you will be studying, and there should be contact details that you can use if you need help. I emailed and submitted questions when I needed help, and they got back to me very quickly with great help, and if I still needed help, they offered to talk me through it over the phone. I even got a call randomly before any of this from a lady at the Student Support who checked whether I was managing okay, which I wasn't, so she was basically an angel who descended through a phone call to me.
Don't be scared to contact them when you are confused, since different courses and managing your timetable can be quite confusing! Use whatever you need to get you where you need to be. There are apps to help you remember your timetable, and everything!
My dad also suggested to me to practice travelling to university, I have to take the bus for two hours for example, so that you know how to get there properly and on time! I had an orientation week which was a perfect opportunity for me to get to know the route I need to take to university and become confident in taking it.
University or college is another stage in our life, a new one that will allow us to find our place in the world. Everything is not set in stone, you can change what you study if you wish to take on another path in life. So, don't worry! There is always hope and new opportunities will always come along.
Enjoy life!