Saturday, 18 July 2015

Gaijin Gyaru: What to Look For When Shopping in Any Store

Hello, friends! 

I know for sure how difficult it is to easily access fashion from other countries, such as gyaru clothing from Japan. Sometimes, we have to compromise and make do with what we have access to. I think there is always a chance of finding clothes that match the style you want. 

Depending on the style of gyaru you are looking for, you can always find items that fit that style and build a collection from which you can pick from and use to layer on top of one another. Starting from basic clothing items, layering, is a good start.

Looking at some photos for inspiration - it's very easy to build a gyaru style from clothes you would find in any store. I find blacks, whites and pinks to be very common. Again, depending on the type of gyaru you are going for, you would be looking for statement pieces that are quite fitting. Or, if you're looking for the more hime or girly gyaru style, you would be incorporating a lot of lace, frills, flouncy fabric and floral patterns.

I think something important that can help sway your fashion style is accessories. As I said before, you can find some basic clothing pieces and then layer more clothing and choose socks, shoes and jewellery to compliment your outfit and make it complete. I mean false lashes, socks and fake nails are also found here, right? Makeup plays a huge part as well.

This post is a bit of a trainwreck, but I'm writing this post just to say that, if you have a set style in your mind and know the clothes you want for it, you can look for it in stores and begin building your dream wardrobe! Good luck!

Enjoy life!